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[postfix-jp:01228] vpopmail

$BAaB.$J$N$G$9$,!"(Bpostfix $B$G(B vpopmail $B$r;H$$$?$$$N$G$9$,NI$$>pJs$,8+$D$+$j(B
$B$^$;$s!#%$%s%9%H!<%k$NCJ3,$G(B Unable to find your qmaildir directory $B$HE\(B
(BHandling virtual domains is a common issue posed by new users in the
(BQmail and postfix communities . Inter7 has developed vpopmail (vchkpw),
(Ba free GPL software package, to provide an easy way to manage virtual
(Bemail domains and non /etc/passwd email accounts on your Qmail or
(BPostfix mail servers.
$B$H$J$C$F$^$9$N$G(B postfix $B$G$b;H$($k$H;W$&$N$G$9$,!#!#!#(B
$B>.<<(B <kishindo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

[postfix-jp:01229] Re: vpopmail, Nakane Ryuji
[postfix-jp:01236] Re: vpopmail, Hiroshi Ohi

[$B8!:w%Z!<%8(B] [Postfix-JP ML Home]