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[postfix-jp:01273] Re: mynetworks table

(B> $BCSED$G$9!#(B
(B> >$B$H$$$&$h$&$J5-=R$,$"$k$N$G$9$,!":G8e$N(B db $B$r;H$&J}K!$N>l9g(B
(B> >/etc/postfix/network_table
(B> >$B$O$I$&$$$&%U%)!<%^%C%H$G5-=R$9$l$P$h$$$N$G$7$g$&$+!)(B
(B> ># of listing the patterns here. Specify type:table for table-based lookups
(B> ># (the value on the table right-hand side is not used).
(B> $B!!$K!V%F!<%V%k$N1&B&$NCM$O;H$o$l$J$$!W$H=q$$$F$"$k$N$G!"(B
(B>    anything
(B>         anything
(B> $B$H$G$b=q$$$F$*$1$P$h$$$N$G$O!)(B
$B$3$l$@$H(B ":" $B$,$I$&$N$3$&$N!"$H$$$&%a%C%;!<%8$r=P$7$^$9$,!"(B
$B5$$K$;$:$KF0$+$7$F$_$^$7$?!#$G!"$d$C$Q$jBLL\$G(B (^^;
$B$+$J$j6/0z$J%U%)!<%^%C%H$b;n$7$^$7$?$,BLL\$G$7$?!#7k6I!"2<5-$N(B URL $B$K(B
(B> > mynetworks = hash:/etc/postfix/mynetworks
(B> You CANNOT use a hash table here.
(BTo be precise: you can't use network/mask patterns in a hash table.
(BIf you want to use a hash table for mynetworks, then you have to
(Benumerate individual IP addresses.
(B127.0.0.1:	mynetwork
$B$1$I(B network/mask$B$N%U%)!<%^%C%H$,;H$($J$$$H$A$g$C$H(B
$B!t(B 1$BG/0J>e$bA0$N%a!<%k$J$N$G;H$($k$h$&$K$J$C$F$$$F$b(B
$B!t(B $B$*$+$7$/$O$J$$$H;W$C$?$N$G$9$,!#(Bdb $BB&$N@)8B$G$7$g$&$+!)(B
$B;3Fb(B $BJ~9@(B		handy@xxxxxxxxx

[postfix-jp:01274] Re: mynetworks table, IKEDA Nozomu
[postfix-jp:01270] mynetworks table, $B;3Fb(B $BJ~9@(B) <handy@xxxxxxxxx>
[postfix-jp:01271] Re: mynetworks table, IKEDA Nozomu

[$B8!:w%Z!<%8(B] [Postfix-JP ML Home]